Student Wellbeing
At Dandenong South Primary School, we believe that the emotional and physical wellbeing of our students is pivotal to their success at school, as adolescents, and in their future lives. Physically and emotionally healthy students are happy, able to deal positively with life’s challenges, experience a sense of connectedness with the school and others, and are well placed to develop into well-balanced and successful young adults.
Dandenong South Primary School ensures that children receive an education that targets their specific needs. The diversity of student backgrounds in the school is recognised and celebrated through a variety of learning activities in the classroom. Additionally, we celebrate our school’s diversity on a range of whole school community occasions like Harmony Day, Reconciliation Week and Education Week.
We are a Child Safe school and have a zero tolerance to child abuse. All staff members, volunteers and parent helpers must have a current Working with Children Check and sign the School’s Child Safe Code of Conduct.
Dandenong South Primary School has a zero tolerance to bullying. Students are educated in the classroom about the different forms of bullying and how they can protect themselves if they are being bullied.
The school offers a variety of different programs at the school to support the wellbeing of every student. These include a free daily Breakfast Club (8.15-8.45am) in the Learning Centre kitchen, a daily homework and reading program (8.15-8.45am) in the library and our suite of After School Experience (ASE) programs, which include sporting programs such as Auskick, soccer and athletics as well as science, art and Lego programs.
A number of partner organisations deliver a host of programs to benefit the needs of our students and improve their learning outcomes. Their support is greatly appreciated.